Electronic Donation
The St. Nicholas Website offers the ability for you to make a secure electronic donation.
Your donation can be a one-time donation or recurring if you would like to set up your weekly offering to be automated.
As always, we deeply appreciate your generosity and sacrifice.
Click here for the Donation Form
Legacy Wall Tiles
Ways to help raise funds through our Legacy Tile program.
- Purchase a tile yourself, in memory of your family or a loved one.
- Ask a business to purchase one as a "friend of the parish." Please ask anyone you do business with. The business tiles will be on a separate part of the wall from the family remembrances.
Small tiles are $100 and large ones $200.
Email the Parish Office.
Ink Cartridges & Redner's Tapes
Save us $$$! Place your used cartridges in the box in the portico and drop Redners Tapes in the box in the portico or in the collection basket. We will turn them in for credit!
Scrip Program Helpers Wanted
The Scrip Program is now back in action! If you can help for a few minutes after mass please contact the Parish Office.
Special Intentions on the Altar
We have several special options you may like to consider to remember a loved one. Your name or family name will be published in the bulletin.
- Tabernacle Candle Intentions
To reserve one of the Lamps for a weekly intention, place a $10 donation in an envelope marked "Candle" Include in the envelope your name (or donor) and your intention.
- Altar Wine and Bread
You are able to reserve in your name the Altar Wine and Bread used throughout the week for all the Masses. Cost is $20.
- Blessed Mother or St. Joseph Flowers
We offer the opportunity to remember your loved ones at Mass and adoration while adding beauty to our parish's celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. You may like to consider sponsoring a fresh flower arrangement for our shrine of the Blessed Mother or St. Joseph.
Please note that the weeks we will offer this are for what is called Ordinary Time on the Church calendar and will not be available during the seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.
Each arrangement is a donation of $35.
- Paschal Candle
The Paschal candle is a rich symbol of our faith. It reaches its pinnacle at Easter. Each year during the Easter Vigil service on Holy Saturday night, a fire is kindled in a metal bowl, called a brazier (bray’-zhur). From the brazier comes a “new” and blessed fire that lights the Paschal candle which is carried in procession into the dark church. The “new” fire serves as an image of the Resurrection. The candle, which represents Christ himself, is placed on a special Paschal candle stand near the altar. Five grains of incense are inserted into the candle to recall the aromatic spices that were used to prepare Christ’s body for the tomb, and the wounds in His hands, feet and side, which remained after His resurrection.
If you would like to remember a loved one in a very special way, consider sponsoring the cost of the Paschal Candle.
It remains in the sanctuary and is lit for mass throughout the Easter season, baptisms, and funerals throughout the year.
Call the rectory office for more information.